

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Hoppah's Home.  These pages will contain wargames related stuff.


Following on from others, I am a father, husband, wargamer and layabout, although not always in that order!  ;-)


This wiki is going to be all about my wargames related ramblings, usually totally biased and unfair, but there you go. 




I am based in South Devon, gaming with the Devon Wargames Group  in Exeter.  We are currently in the middle of a 1944 US vs German campaign based around the breakout from Utah beach.  It's going so-so for the Germans, but there are loads of Americans!


Update, 5th February 2008

What a bad month in terms of painting.  I have finished the Sd251's, except for the crew figures.  I didn't actually start them until Sunday 2nd, I seem to have no spare time at all lately.  I am working on a modern adaptation of the Rules of Engagement system to utilise all the 1980's figures I have.  In fact I have just bought 4 Fv432's from Sloppy Jalopy so I can do a British Mechanised Platoon.  I also went to Crusade at Penarth and spent £50 on Bolt Action Germans!  That was not in the plan yet, but you know how it goes.

Apart from that things are ticking along nicely.  No1 son is fast approaching his GCSE's, which makes me feel old.  No2 son has made a full recovery and is playing rugby or training for it almost everyday now.  He decided that he wants  to become a pro rugby player when he leaves school.  One of his latest matches was a bit muddy, as can be seen from this picture.




Update, 2nd January 2008

It's a nice New Year and I have painted nothing over the Christmas period, the arrival of Call of Duty 4 did not help the painting to be honest.  I did get a nice new camera though, a Casio 10m pixel thing.  Hopefully I will now be able to take some decent pictures.  Nothing new wargames wise, I am about to start painting some Sd251 Hanomags, a total of 5 of the things including one with a 75mm gun, one with the 37mm Pak and an Engineers one.  All I need now is more Germans to go in them.  I am playing more 25mm WW2 now, using the Rules of Engagement ruleset from Great Escape Games.  Very nice they are too.  Anyway, that's it again for now, I have stuff to do. 



Update, 2nd December

Blimey, it's December already.  I'm crap at updating this, but nobody reads it anyway so it's no big thing.  No2 son has made a good recovery and played his first full game of rugby since the operation today.  He did well and got man of the match, which was nice.


Anyway, last month I didn't get much done.  No particular reason, except that I have got back into playing Day of Defeat Source again, which eats up painting time.

I did get some vehicles done.  I have finished off the last of my CVRT's.  I now have 2 Scorpions, 4 Spartans, 1 Sultan and 1 Samson.  Pictures will appear next time I get the camera out.  I also painted my Chieftain (talk about a big chunk, it's all metal), an Italian L6 light tank, a Tetrarch to support my Para's and a Tamiya 1/48 Hetzer that my wife bought me.  Pictures are all in the 25mm WW2 page.

Oh, I also finished my sons Balrog, picture in the LotR page.



Update, 30th October

Well the Germans arrived, have been painted and are sat in a box waiting to go to Germany, along with the artillery batteries I painted ages ago.  I have also finished all my 25mm British Paras, although I am considering ordering 3 more packs of figures from Foundry.  Pictures are in the 25mm WW2 page.



Update, 12th October

I am still waiting for a pack of German mortars to arrive.  I ordered them on the 30th of August and the stupid postmen went on strike.  I'm still working out how two 48 hour strikes means no post for two weeks.  I would swear here, but there may be kids reading this (Who am I kidding, nobody reads this!).  Anyway, due to the delay in the post I have been diverted into finishing off my 25mm British Para's.  One squad was painted in May, I have now painted another 27 with 12 more on the painting table as I type this.  That will give me enough for a full platoon for the new "Rules of Engagement" game from Great Escape Games.  I will need another Vickers as I only have one, but that will have to wait until Partizan or Salute next year. (I'll also need more Germans, but don't tell the Mrs!).


No2 son is back at school, no1 son wants more money spent on him as he's 16 next week and I'm off to Exeter to game with the Devon Wargames Group tomorrow.



Update, 1st October

Sorry it's been so long (not that there is anybody who reads this).  No2 son had a tumour so everything went to pot for a while.  It turned out to be benign though, so things are gradually returning to normal.  I have painted some more FoW artillery for some chaps in Germany this week, hopefully I will get some more done next week.



Update, 15th July

Time flies when everything goes to pot.  I have done little painting in the last month as I have been a bit crook.  The elbow thing just won't get better and, as it hurts to paint, it tends to stop me painting.  I have rebased all my 15mm WW2 British for Flames of War.  They will go on Ebay today, once I have taken some pictures of them.  Apart from that, it's been a pretty dull month.  Nothing but rain, bills, rain, kids and rain.



Update, 16th June

It's been a bit chaotic here, so not much has got done.  My step-daughter has just given birth to a daughter, I have done my right elbow in, my son's seem to think money grows on tree's and I can't roll a 6 for love nor money.


Painting wise, not much has got done.  I did a few destroyed vehicles as PBI markers, painted a pair of Tigers for Ebay, did 2 R-35 light tanks for my PBI Luftwaffe and painted the T28 halftracks for a chap in Germany.  Plans have changed (again).  I am now doing the FoW Falschirmjagers for ebay, plus some kubelwagons for my Germans.  I have also ordered some more French tanks from Peter Pig, as a secret weapon for my Luftwaffe.



Update, 30th May

Only a few pictures this time, as things have been a bit hectic.  New car, new dishwasher, new stereo for car, new tumbledrier.....all in all its been an expensive month.  I did manage to get away to the Partizan show and spent a little bit of cash.  This is my favourite show, even though its a 4 hour drive each way.  I have several friends up there and its a good chance to get together with people from all over the country.  It's also one of the best shows in terms of eye-candy.  Most of the games are excellent to look at and there are enough traders to satisfy even Nik Harwood. 


Painted this month are some 15mm German grenadiers and nebelwerfers (for Ebay) and a squad of 25mm British Para's by Bolt Action.


Current projects are 4 Battlefront T28 halftracks for a chap in Germany, 5 Sd251 flamethrower halftracks for another chap in Germany (who happens to be the opponent of the first chap), over 30 Bolt Action 25mm WW2 British Paras (mine!) and a load of 15mm Falschirmjager (for ebay).  I am leaning towards painting some 15mm ACW now though, as I have bought, played and enjoyed the new Peter Pig rule set Civil War Battles.    Try it, you'll like it.




Update, 1st May

I have added some more pictures to the 25mm WW2 page, the Germans this time.  I have also added a page for pictures of the Flames of War stuff I paint up to sell on ebay.




Update, 23rd April

Well Salute has been and gone for another year.  I spent less than expected and all my purchases were 25mm!  That wasn't planned.  I got some British Para's and Italian infantry from BAM, some Mongrel militia and a Chieftain Models L6/40 light tank.  Oh, and some magnetic basing sheets.  That was it.  Plan is to paint my 15mm Italians this month, then do the 25mm stuff next month. 


PS  So much for that plan.  I ended up finishing off my 25mm WW2 Germans and painting some 15mm casualties for PBI. 




Update, 19th April

I have added a couple of photos to the 25mm WW2 page.






































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